Penis Pleasure Parties for men 18 and over. Mutual, group and solo jack-off events featuring plenty of of fun, friendly, hot, body contact with no sucking or fucking.
check here on the Website or call 215-607-5343 -- any time, 24/7 -- for party dates and times.
6 or 7 In-Person events each month • Next month's schedule:
Future Jacks In-Person schedule |
INFORMATION ABOUT OUR IN-PERSON PARTIES: We are not requiring the wearing of face masks, but we do encourage it, and we will always have free masks for those who want them. SCROLL DOWN FOR OUR SCHEDULE • We're on Chestnut St. in Center City, on the north side of the street, between 7th and 8th Streets - building number 723.
The Jacks party space is only open during our scheduled events! If you don't see the "Men's Meeting" sign on the street door, there is no party happening - please come back during a scheduled event! There are no other organizations or spaces like ours in the building. Look for the signs we put on the street door during the parties, and on the stairs: instead of "Jacks" they will say "Men's Meeting" and direct you to the 3rd floor, where you'll sign in as usual with our doorman. It is a third-floor walk-up. • You'll sign our basic agreement before entering the space, where you'll find us at the clothes-check table. If you look like there is ANY CHANCE that you might be under 18 years old, we will do an age check, which does require a photo ID. We won't keep any record of your ID, but you won't be allowed to join the party if we can't check your age.
• We ask for a contribution of at least $15 (PLEASE BRING CASH!) to cover our costs.
If you're able to contribute more than $15 to help to cover the men who pay reduced contributions we really, really appreciate that.
If you are truly struggling to cover your vital life costs: food, housing, medical care - and are NOT able to pay $15 please send an email before the event to let us know. It's not a problem, but it's helpful for us to know ahead of time.
• If this will be your first in-person Jacks party and you have questions you can check our Info page: If you don't see an answer to your question or concern you can Send any questions or comments to
and we'll do our best to get back to you.
April 1 |
April 6 |
Thursday April 10 |
April 15 |
April 20 |
Friday April 25 |
April 29 |
Doors are open for the first hour of each party (except for our lunchtime events, where the door is open a bit longer) so please try to arrive during that time - the action starts up as soon as the doors open so get here early if you can. We do allow late-comers for around 10 minutes after official door closing, but the parties are usually winding down by then. Parties usually last two to three hours but you're free to leave any time. |
Until the COVID situation stabilizes, we won't be announcing our eventsa month in advance as we used to do. Sorry for the inconvenience! |
View our schedule on, or add us to your personal Google Calendar. |
You can also get schedules and reminders by joining our mailing list.